"wooftastic training"
Is your dog having trouble understanding very basic commands? Are you becoming frustrated at their lack of progress? Do you have to bribe them with tasty treats all the time, yet wish there was an easier way to communicate? With our 6 weekly 45 minute, one-to-one training package, we’ll help you understand where the communication between you and your woofer has become confused. We will teach you a new way using a learning style and techniques that are completely intuitive and natural from your dog’s perspective.
Our general obedience programme is aimed at those dogs without major behavioural issues, but in need of some ‘good manners’ both inside and outside of the home.
Range of issues dealt with:
Basic commands. Sit, stay, wait & coming when called.
Front door manners when guests arrive.
How to walk nicely on the lead without pulling.
No jumping up and how to deal with boisterousness.
Good food manners, including begging.
Good house manners, including jumping on furniture and how to respect boundaries.
Guidance on nutrition and how to satisfy your dog both mentally and physically.
How to play nicely and be able to retrieve items they’ve run off with.
What’s included in the general obedience programme?
This is one-to-one training, so we will come to you to deal with the issues at home, on the walk or in your local park.
The first couple of sessions is all about building solid foundations.
A programme based on your specific needs with what you want to achieve.
6 x 45 min sessions putting into practice what we want to achieve
On-going telephone & email support for up to 6 months.
✻ Further individual lessons can be arranged in addition to the basic programme if required.
How Quickly Will You See Results?
As with many things, practice makes perfect – but most people are surprised at how quickly they notice a change in their dog’s behaviour and how quickly you will start seeing results.
Once all the necessary measures are put in place, you will find that your dog starts to respond positively. Provided you are consistent and take a few minutes to practice regularly every day, you will notice a definite improvement in their behaviour.
6 x 45 mins personalised training sessions from £219.00